It's Go Time for Low-Cost, Net-Zero Affordable Housing

Vederra was featured in this article from NREL. The article discusses the challenges faced by the construction industry in meeting the growing demand for housing while adhering to climate regulations. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) aims to address these issues head on by promoting a more modern approach to building houses - emphasizing a building delivery system that is efficient, sustainable, and affordable.

NREL's Industrialized Construction Innovation team organized an Industry Demonstration Day to showcase their research. The event included the unveiling of the Energy in Modular (EMOD) Buildings Method report, representing five years of industrialized construction research. The EMOD guide provides a blueprint for integrating energy efficiency strategies at the whole-building level.

Read on to learn more about top industry leaders, challenging financial issues faced, promising early demonstrations, and efficient workforce training plans like virtual reality modules.


Creating Housing and Jobs: Polis Administration Announces Modular Housing Loans to Create Up to 4,755 More Housing Units Per Year